What to do in the evenings if the repair in the apartment is already completed, but the TV has not yet been bought?Correctly! You need to watch movies on a laptop (the Internet appeared in the apartment before hot water and a refrigerator). Last week we watched so many of these films that it is not possible to write about each separately. And the films are by no means bad: “127 hours” – about a tourist climber, “Black Swan” – about a ballerina, “Despicable Me” – about a villain, “It’s a very funny story” – about a psychiatric hospital, “What men talk about” – about love, “The kids are fine” – about lesbians. It would not be fair to forget them completely. As practice shows, everything that I DO NOT write about is completely forgotten after a month. However, what I write about will also be forgotten, but the article will remain – a repository of unearthly wisdom, an invaluable treasure of modern culture.While I was “giving birth” to the previous paragraph, the gears in my head stirred a little, the rust fell off and the words began to appear an order of magnitude faster. So you can write a separate post for each film. What will this article be about then? Let’s try to go from the origins, i.e. from the title. I titled the article “Last Week’s Movies.” Let’s check the statistics… Yeah, on average, 130 people ask this question to the search engine every month. What do they want to find? Obviously not my list of movies (see above) because it will lose relevance too quickly.They’re probably looking for movies that started rolling last week. Let’s try to help them. We ask Google the question “film release schedule”and it gives the correct answer in the very first line – Schedule of film distribution at Filmz.ru. Here you can see both the past and the future. An interesting service, you can’t say anything, but my attention was drawn to a link to a source of information about film distribution – the site “Film Distributor’s Bulletin” (www.kinometro.ru). Let’s study, sir … (I am writing an article right in the process of research).
It is immediately clear that the site is not for the general public. Some mysterious abbreviations and terms are everywhere. We go to the “Releases” section. Here you can see:
- Difference in release times for films in the US and Russia. For example, “Time of the Witches” was seen in the USA a month later than in our country. Why?
- A titanic difference in the number of copies of films. Potential blockbusters “print” a thousand pieces, and everything else – 300-500 copies. Apparently, some experts are sitting there, predicting the popularity of films … Or vice versa, everything is decided by the market – cinemas send applications for tapes in advance and, based on this, the circulation is printed. One way or another, The Nutcracker (which I realized was a flop) printed 1,100 copies, on par with Harry Potter, and Black Swan only 300. But what is it – there are films that print only 2-3 copies! But if you look at the statistics as a whole, then in 2009 the circulation was about the same as in 2011.
- There are a half dozen distribution companies. How do they share new items?
- Incomprehensible term “chrono”. What does he mean? I couldn’t find it.
Research can be continued indefinitely. But we still have time to write about last week’s films :)